We Are Delighted You Are Here!
Whatever has led you here, whether it’s a lifetime of faith, or a lifetime of questions, you are welcome here.
You may have questions before worshipping with us, so here are answers to some common questions
What will the worship be like?
9:00am – Worship Service
Worshiping God together is central to our life of faith. There is a basic pattern for worship among Lutherans: Gathering, Word, Meal, and Sending. We gather, encounter God’s Word, share in the meal of Holy Communion, and are sent out into the world.
During worship, we emphasize the love and grace of God through prayer, confession and forgiveness, God’s Word through the reading of Scripture and a message, Holy Communion, and an uplifting blend of music and songs.
We celebrate Holy Communion weekly. All are welcome at God’s table. Music throughout the service varies week to week to include traditional hymns and contemporary praise music, led by our musicians on pipe organ, piano, or by a full band including drums, guitar, saxophone, and bass. It is our hope that the worship experience brings you closer to the presence of God in your life.
After the service, everyone is invited for a time of fellowship, coffee, and refreshments on the patio.
Visitor Sign-in
You will be greeted by an usher when you arrive, who will provide you with a bulletin which includes the order of worship. Our ushers are happy to answer any questions you may have. You will also receive a connection card that we invite you to fill out, which provides a place to note if you’d like to be contacted by our pastor.
What should I wear?
We believe that God is much more concerned with our hearts than our outward appearance. While most people wear business casual, some choose to dress more casually, and others choose to dress up. Come as you are. We want you to feel comfortable.
Where should my kids go?
Children are welcome to be with you during worship. We believe that God put the wiggle in children, and they are welcome to participate in worship in their own normal way. Children learn by watching and doing, so the best way to pass on the faith is to have them with you in worship. Children are welcome to come forward for the Children’s Message, which is a brief message geared for them that relates to the Gospel reading or theme for the day.
Am I really welcome at your church?
Whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself on your journey of faith, you are welcome here. We recognize that all people are loved and valued by God. Together, we seek to follow the way of Jesus’ love and compassion for all people. We are a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation, meaning we are welcoming to all people, inclusive of sexual orientation and gender identity.
Our welcome statement reads: “As a community of faith following Jesus’ commandment to love one another, the members of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church are called to accept, welcome, and embrace all people seeking a relationship with Christ, regardless of age, economic status, ethnic background, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, family structure or marital status. In keeping with our commitment to love one another, we believe in working and advocating for racial equity, social and economic justice, and inclusion for our entire community. We affirm with the Apostle Paul that…
‘In Christ Jesus we are all children of God through faith, for all who were baptized into Christ have clothed themselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus.’”
– Galatians 3:26-29
If you have any questions about visiting Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, please call our church office at 805/526-7577.