Volunteer at Still Waters Food Pantry / Thursdays / 2-6:00pm in Eichele Hall
Our Still Waters food pantry serves and average of 250 families in the local community each week. We are a full-service USDA certified food pantry set-up like a grocery store, offering canned goods, breads, fresh produce, dairy, meat, vegetarian options, and desserts.
Interested in volunteering to serve at Still Waters food pantry? Please contact the Church Office at 805/526-7577 for more information on becoming a volunteer.
Lutheran World Relief (LWR) Quilting Ministry
No experience necessary! Join our quilting group to make quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Since the end of World War II, LWR Mission Quilts have been sent all over the world to help those in need. All ages can take part in this ongoing ministry. Can’t make it on Tuesdays? No worries! The congregation will have opportunities during the year to get involved in the process; everything from helping to cut the quilt blocks to tying the finishing knots.
Caring Ministries
Taking a meal to someone in need, writing an encouraging note, or making a phone call. There are many ways that we care for each other in community. If you are interested in serving in this way, please contact the Church Office for more information at 805/526-7577.
Worship Leadership Opportunities
Help serve on Sunday mornings as a reader, communion assistant, greeter, usher, singer, musician, technical help, with hospitality, etc. Contact the Church Office for more information on how to get involved at 805/526-7577.
Church Leadership Opportunities
Help serve on a variety of committees or teams that lead our church ministries (e.g. Fellowship, Hospitality, Altar Guild, Church Council, etc.) Contact the Church Office for more information on how to get involved at 805/526-7577.
Our Ministry Partners & Outreach
Throughout the year, we contribute to ministries and organizations
in various ways.
Click on the links to learn more about our partners and outreach.